A vendor file contains information about vendors in OMS. Vendors are typically suppliers of your company.
A sample template of the import is provided here:
Supported Vendor Fields For Import
The vendor import supports the import of the following fields:
Column Name | Required | Type | Note |
Vendor ID | Yes | String | Maximum Length 10 |
Vendor Name | Yes | String | Maximum Length 60 |
Address | No | String | Maximum Length 60 |
Address2 | No | String | Maximum Length 60 |
City | No | String | Maximum Length 40 |
State | No | String | Maximum Length 2 |
Zip | No | String | Maximum Length 10 |
Country | No | String | Maximum Length 25 |
Phone | No | Integer | Maximum Length 10 |
Fax | No | Integer | Maximum Length 10 |
Phone 2 | No | Integer | Maximum Length 10 |
Contact | No | String | Maximum Length 30 |
No | String | Maximum Length 60 | |
Web Site | No | String | Maximum Length 60 |
Terms | No | String | Maximum Length 15 |
Net | No | Integer | Maximum Length 3 |
COD | No | String | "Y" or "N" |
Credit Limit | No | Integer | Maximum Length 10 |
Tax Rate | No | Decimal | Example: Input "10" for 10% tax rate |
Default Debit Acct# | No | Integer | 5 digits G/L Account# |
Default Credit Acct# | No | Integer | 5 digits G/L Account# |
Lead Days | No | Integer | Maximum Length 3 |
P/O Rep.# | No | String | Maximum Length 40 |