To integrate BigCommerce with Pavo, you must obtain BigCommerce API credentials and enter them into Pavo.
Create API Credentials on BigCommerce
To generate BigCommerce credentials, you will need to generate the API credentials on your BigCommerce Admin page.
- Sign into your BigCommerce account
- Click on Settings on the sidebar.
- Scroll down to Store-level API accounts
- On the top right, click "Create API account"
- Make sure the following settings are set:
- Token Type: V2/V3 API Token
- Name: Pavo API
- OAuth scopes:
- Customers - modify
- Information & Settings - modify
- Orders - modify
- Order Transactions - modify
- Products - modify
- Store Locations - modify
- Store Inventory - modify
- Fulfillment Methods - modify
- Order Fulfillment - modify
- Click "Save"
- The API account will be created and the credentials will appear on screen. BigCommerce will also trigger a text file download to your computer. This file contains the information you'll need to connect the credentials to Pavo.
- Once these keys are generated, input the information to Pavo Admin with the appropriate credentials.
- For Store Hash, the hash is listed in the API Path in the text file. It is in this section of the URL:
- For Store Hash, the hash is listed in the API Path in the text file. It is in this section of the URL:
- Pavo will test the connection with BigCommerce and if successful, will connect your BigCommerce store with Pavo.
Generating these API keys gives access to create and modify products and orders on your BigCommerce site. Keep the keys safe and do not distribute to anyone except for parties involved with the Pavo integration.