SKU Mapping Spreadsheet Details

Learn about what is required when Pavo exports or imports a SKU mapping CSV file.

Due to the different requirements for each channel, Pavo will accept certain columns to ensure all fields are needed to upload to sales channels.

Below is a list of what each column is intended for and how Pavo uses the column to communicate to the channel.


Channel SKU The SKU listed on the sales channel. Pavo uses this field as the first field when matching the SKU on the channel with the corresponding SKU on OMS.
Channel Item Number Some channels have an internal item identifier used for tracking purposes. For example, this is the product variant ID on Shopify.
Channel Parent Number The parent identifier for the channel, such as a product identifier.
Channel Inventory Number Some channels have an additional identifier for inventory purposes.
Partner SKU An additional SKU field used when connecting to other retailers or other channels.
Item Number The Item Number on OMS 
Color The Color Code on OMS. This is only used for OMS systems with color and size/runs.
Run The Prepack Run on OMS. This is only used for OMS systems with color and size/runs. If you intend on mapping this SKU to an individual size and not a prepack, place an "X" here.
Size The size on OMS. This is only used on OMS systems with color and size/runs. This field will only be seen if the Run column is set to "X".