The requirements for your company to access OMS Cloud.
To start using OMS Cloud, your company must have the following minimum technical requirements.
Internet Speeds
For workstations accessing OMS Cloud, we require an Internet download speed of 100 Mbps or faster. Internet speeds slower than that may lead to degraded performance.
Printer Server
If your company plans to print reports, barcodes, or other documents using OMS Cloud, a printer server will need to be installed for every printer that will be printing from OMS Cloud.
Our suggested printer server model is the IOGEAR GPSU21 1-Port USB2.0 Print Server. Each printer must have its own printer server with a static IP address and unique port that is accessible from the OMS Cloud network.
Learn more about what is needed to configure your printers to OMS Cloud here.
For each workstation connecting to OMS Cloud, we require your workstation to have the following operation system requirements:
- Windows: Windows 10 or later
- Mac: macOS 12 (Monterey) or later
- Connecting to OMS Cloud with macOS will need Windows App for Mac (previously Remote Desktop). You can download the application on the Mac App Store here: