When connecting your email address to Pavo, you may encounter errors during the connection process. Learn about how Pavo connects to your Google/Gmail account and how to address issues that may occur.
This is only applicable to OMS accounts that have the application configured to use Pavo's email service. OMS applications that use Outlook, Outlook Express, or an SMTP connection to Google/Gmail will need to be upgraded to the Pavo email service.
Reconnect after a Password Change
When you change your password on Google Workspace or Gmail, you must reconnect your Google account to Pavo.
This is because Google automatically revokes third-party connections, such as Pavo, from sending emails after a password change. You can find more information about this in the following link: https://support.google.com/a/answer/6328616?hl=en
To minimize interruptions on sending emails on OMS/Pavo after changing your password, you will need to reconnect your email to Pavo Admin. This can be done by following the steps provided here.