Troubleshooting other (SMTP) email connections

When connecting your email address to Pavo, you may encounter errors during the connection process. Learn about how Pavo connects to your account with SMTP and how to address issues that may occur.

If you experience issues connecting to your email address, we recommend switching email providers to Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace. Master System does not have access to information to your email service, and your IT department or contact will need to provide information in order to continue setting up SMTP connections.

Confirm the connection

When connecting to an SMTP server, Pavo will attempt to test the connection. 

  • Confirm the SMTP server and port is correct. Most SMTP ports are either 465, 587, or 25.
  • Confirm whether your SMTP server allows for TLS connections.
    • In most cases, if the port is 465, TLS is true. If the port is 587 or 25 TLS is false.
  • Your IT team or administrator may restrict SMTP connections based on IP addresses. Make sure to whitelist the appropriate IP addresses Pavo uses to connect your email address.

When Pavo tests the connection, it does not check whether your SMTP service allows the email address connected to be sent. It only checks to see if your username and password added to the SMTP configuration is authenticated with the SMTP server.

Unable to send test email

If you are unable to send a test email after connecting your SMTP server, it can be either of these issues:

  • Your IT team or administrator may restrict outgoing SMTP connections based on IP addresses. Make sure to whitelist the appropriate IP addresses Pavo uses to connect your email address.
  • Confirm the email address and password you are sending from are correct.
  • Check to see if your server or email provider requires an app specific password.
    • If your email provider requires an app-specific password, follow your email provider's steps to create an app-specific password and use that password on Pavo.
  • Check your SSL certificate.