DEPRECATED: Get FedEx Production Credentials

This article is no longer maintained as FedEx has moved to the FedEx REST API. Check out the current method in connecting FedEx to Pavo.

You must have authorized access from FedEx to integration FedEx services to OMS/Pavo. In order to fetch rates, validate addresses, or generate labels, the following steps must be performed.

  1. Create a FedEx account or have an existing FedEx account
  2. Generate Developer Test Credentials
  3. Generate Production Credentials
  4. FedEx Label Evaluation Process

Get FedEx Developer Test Credentials

  1. Visit FedEx Web Services:
  2. Click on "Get Started" in Develop & Test
    Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 13.28.46
  3. Click on "Get your Test Key" when obtaining a test key
  4. Fill out your company's information
  5. You will receive your Developer Test Key, Test Account Number, and Test Meter Number.

    Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 13.31.15
  6. You will also receive an email for the FedEx Web Service Password.

Get FedEx Production Credentials 

In order to get Production Credentials, you must have test credentials first.

  1.  Visit FedEx Web Services:
  2. Click on "Move to Production" and "Get Production Key"

    Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 13.40.55
  3. When filling out the application, fill out the following details:
    1. Do you intend to resell your software? No
    2. Please check the box next to each type of FedEx Web Services you intend to use in your integration solution: FedEx Web Services for Shipping (includes Rate, Track, etc.)
    3. Please indicate whether you are developing your FedEx Integration solution as a Corporate Developer or as a Consultant: Corporate Developer. 
  4. Continue filling out your FedEx application with your company's data
  5. You will receive: FedEx Authentication Key, and a FedEx Meter Number. You will also receive the FedEx Web Service Password

FedEx Label Evaluation Process

Your account will receive an "Authentication Failed" error if you attempt to generate tracking numbers or labels with FedEx until your account is certified with FedEx.

Once you've received the FedEx production credentials, your account is ready to validate addresses and fetch rates. In order to generate tracking numbers and live labels from FedEx, you will need to have your account certified to print labels. 

To streamline and speed up the process, Master System can request production label certification on your behalf. You will need to provide us:

  • Your company name
  • A contact email address
  • FedEx 9-digit Account Number
  • FedEx Production Authentication Key
  • FedEx Production Meter Number
  • FedEx Test Meter Number
  • FedEx Production Web Services Password

All fields are required.

Once we receive all required fields, we will be able to send the label evaluation form to FedEx and the email associated with your FedEx account will be CC'd on the process.